Please Tell us about the Nominee. Tell the individual’s story. What is his or her career background? How is he or she a standout among peers? Why is he or she an asset to the St. George Area community? The narrative should introduce the judging panel to the candidate. The best nominations are clear, short and complete. They include specifics such as dates, dollar amounts, growth rates, specific community impact and other examples of the nominee’s success. The judges look at specific details of an individual’s life and professions that are exceptional and inspiring. It is important to “show” the judges rather than “tell” them.
Please detail the professional accomplishments of the nominee.
How does the nominee excel in their profession? Please give as many specifics as possible, using data where available.
How has the nominee showed innovation in their industry?
How has the nominee contributed to the betterment of the St. George Area community?
Why should I nominate someone? This is a chance to honor a peer or a mentor. It is also an opportunity to share an inspiring story of success with others. If you know someone who serves as an example to you, this is your chance to help share that person’s story with a larger audience.
How are the winners chosen? Finalists and winners are selected by a panel of judges through several rounds or evaluation. Staff members of the St. George Chamber of Commerce do not participate in judging and will not have influence over the selection process. The judges try to select finalists and winners that best represent the criteria. All honorees are subject to a vetting process.
What makes for a well-written nomination? Use concrete examples to persuade the judges that the nominee has made a mark on the local business community. The best nominations are clear, short and complete. They include specifics such as dates, dollar amounts, growth rates, specific community impact and other examples of the nominee’s success. A well written nomination is more critical than the quantity of submissions.
Does the company have to be local? A nominee and company need to have a local presence. This means the organization is headquartered within Washington County.
What do judges look for? The judges look at specific details of an individual’s life and professions that are exceptional and inspiring. It is important to “show” the judges rather than “tell” them. They are also looking at the nominator and their position within the community. Encourage and assist professional peers to nominate. Remember, judges are looking at quality not quantity of submissions.
Are awards given posthumous? Currently we do not award posthumous awards.
Will my nomination be made public? We do not disclose nominators’ names. However, your nomination may be directly quoted for promotional material in social media or in print, unless you specifically disclose not to.