It’s difficult to beat the quality of life that we enjoy here in the St. George area.
There are few places where an employee can clock out of work and be hiking in a world-famous national park less than an hour later. We are surrounded by beautiful state and national parks, reservoirs, trails, and mountains.
While the area continues to grow, we hang on to the small town charm that many of the locals are used to. Ours is an area where you will get to know your neighbors, there are plenty of opportunities to get involved in the community, and there is a strong spirit of togetherness.
Our commute times are small, usually about 15 minutes! Our economy is diversifying. The St. George area is more than just a place with a robust hospitality industry. We have an emerging tech sector, a state of the art healthcare industry, a college and a university, a medical school, a bustling construction sector, and an entrepreneurial spirit that sees new businesses being developed daily.
There are very few days when the sun doesn’t shine. Our hot summers are balanced out by our mild winters. But if snow makes you happy, there is a ski resort just 90 minutes to the north!
If you are considering a job transfer to our area, or you’d like to start a business in the St. George area, don’t hesitate to reach out. We at the Chamber would be happy to answer any of your questions and connect you with all the right people. We know you will love our area just as much as we do!