St. George, Utah — Utah Tech University’s Atwood Innovation Plaza (AIP) is excited to announce

Innovating Together: A Day of Turning Concepts into Creation, Securing Funding, Safeguarding

Ideas, and Thriving with Business Resources. This is a free, in-person conference scheduled for

Monday, February 24, 2025, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tailored for students, faculty, entrepreneurs,

startups, small businesses, community members, and local patent attorneys, this event at AIP will

provide valuable insights and opportunities for those looking to thrive in the entrepreneurial


Participants will hear from leading experts, including Mollybeth Kocialski, Regional Director of the

United States Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) Rocky Mountain Regional Outreach Office;

Dr. Wayne “Doc” Provost, Director of the Innovation Guidance & Solutions Center at AIP; April

Ficklin, Outreach Manager of Utah Tech’s Business Resource Center; and Jackie Borget, Project

Manager at the Utah Innovation Center, among others.

Dr. Provost emphasizes the importance of protecting ideas and developing businesses: “With the

continuing growth of industries throughout our region, it’s good to know what the University and

others can offer. We look forward to sharing a few of our success stories.”

The conference aims to continue that legacy by providing critical resources for those looking to

take their ideas to the next level. Some session topic areas are protecting intellectual property,

understanding non-disclosure agreements, constructing prototypes, leveraging Utah Tech’s

Business Resource Center, securing funding, scaling and marketing strategies, and more. There

will also be an update from Utah Tech’s Intellectual Property Advisory Committee (IPAC).

Innovating Together is a full-day event with a light breakfast starting at 8 a.m. in the AIP Hub.

Food trucks will be on-site for lunch, with ample space for informal networking and conversations.

The event is presented in collaboration with the National Science Foundation, Utah Innovation

Center, USPTO, FedTech, UT Business Resource Center, and others.

Registration and the conference overview are available at Eventbrite. Visit the UT Atwood

Innovation Plaza website for more information about their services.
