Utah Tech University’s Institute for Continued Learning to offer Mini Med School

ST. GEORGE, Utah — Utah Tech University’s Institute for Continued Learning is offering a Mini-Med School lecture series to help the community better understand their health.

“It’s hard to get time with your healthcare provider and here’s a chance for the community to gain insight from leading medical providers in the community,” Wendy King, vice president of the ICL Board, said.

Lectures are set to take place each Wednesday from Feb. 12 through March 5 at 6 p.m. in the Dunford Auditorium of the Browning Learning Resource Center on the Utah Tech campus. The series is open to the community and free to attend.

Lecture topics and presenters include:

  • Feb 12: Recent Advances in Chemotherapy by Dr. Terrence Rhodes
  • Feb 19: Cardiovascular Accidents by Dr. Zachary Williams
  • Feb 26: Advances in Total Joint Replacements by Dr. Robert Jamieson
  • March 5: Staying Healthy – Let’s Talk About What You Need to Know by Dr. Gina Marie Foglia

Mini-Med School is just one way Utah Tech’s Institute for Continued Learning is engaging and educating Southern Utah residents. A community of primarily retired and semi-retired lifelong learners, the institute offers classes, clubs, wellness programs, field trips and social activities led by experts in the respective fields and fellow ICL members.

Membership is $60 per semester and enables participants to enroll in as many classes as they’d like. Registration is open for ongoing spring classes. Learn more or register by visiting icl.utahtech.edu, emailing icl@utahtech.edu or calling 435-652-7670.
